Grace & Alex // A walk through San Francisco ft. Lands End and the Golden Gate Bridge
Routine has always fascinated me. The way we fall into routine, become comfortable living within routine, and just as quickly as routine began it changes in the blink of an eye. I guess I always assumed change to occur slowly, gradually adapting over time. It doesn’t feel like that much these days. Perhaps it’s in hindsight that I see change the clearest, differentiating between then and now with a roadmap to guide me. I find myself in the midst of chapters changing regularly, not only for myself but also those whose stories I tell. Perpetually existing between two distinct chunks of life, never in the middle.
That’s why home sessions have always been, and will always be, my absolute favorite. Homes are a place of routine, a reprieve from the ever changing world. An intimate space of comfort nestled safely in the middle of a chapter. I joined Grace and Alex on one of those safe days; a day where we spent a few minutes laughing at their table, wandering their garden, and exploring their neighborhood in a quiet spot just west of the Golden Gate Bridge. Along the way we made some art in San Francisco.